Friday, July 8, 2011

What to say

For the last few days I have logged on and then stared at my computer screen. I had no idea what to say. Not that I haven't had anything on my mind, I was just not sure how I would put it into words. I still have no clue, but I'll try my best. I have been very angry lately. Angry with the fact that people are moving on with their lives, and I am still stuck. I'm not really sure where I'm stuck. I don't really feel like I can manage more than going to work, and eating at this point. Sure I have plans for next year, but I was not supposed to have those plans. I was supposed to have a 10 month old. I feel like I'm just going through the motions. Almost like a robot. I've been programmed for the task, but there is no feeling.

In the middle of writing today I got a call saying I got a new job. I think it would be good to get away from the old stuff. No one knows my story so they may say things that may offend me but they don't know. I have to remind myself that they don't know. I'm glad this happened. I have something to put my mind on for awhile.

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