So I was just reading a fellow BLMs blog and read words that summed up EVERYTHING.
"I miss who he was going to be"
I had so many plans for Cameron. I wanted him to play with trucks and footballs. Get dirty and eat bugs. I wanted to him to hate to take baths and roll in the floor. I feel as though I have a right to motherhood and that has been taken away from me. I went to visit Cam's grave today and had an epiphany. I haven't been robbed of anything. I was blessed with Cameron, therefore blessed to be a mother. Now some may say that he's not here, he died before birth so that doesn't make you a mother. Well, simply stated, they are stupid. I thank God for the time I had with my son. I thank God for placing him in my life and even though he didn't get to do all the things I planned for him, there was one plan that was fulfilled. He went to heaven. That was my ultimate goal for his life. Whether he played for Alabama or not, heaven is eternal and that means I will see him again. Wow. I will see him AGAIN.
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